Bilberry for Diabetes

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is a member of the blueberry family of herbs. Bilberry, Blueberry and huckleberry are a member of 100 species of the Vaccinium genus of plants. They are found throughout United States in woodlands, and forests.

Bilberries and blueberries are popular food in the summer months. They are a great source for Vitamin C, anti-oxidants, and they taste wonderful. Bilberries make very tasty jellies. Bilberry is used in herbal remedies as a tea, tincture, or syrup. You may also make it as a tea. Pick the berries in summer and freeze them for year round enjoyment.

Uses of Bilberry for Diabetes
The leaves and the ripe fruit of the bilberry species has long been used a folk remedy for treating diabetes. Traditionally, people used the leaves to control blood sugar. The leaves do lower blood sugar, but they do so by impairing the normal process of the liver. For this reason, use of the leaves is not recommended.

The berry is wonderful for people with diabetes. The berries herbal components may help improve the strength and integrity of blood vessels. Bilberry may help to reduce damage to these vessels associated with diabetes and other diseases, such as atherosclerosis.
Bilberries contain potent antioxidant activity. The antioxidants protect body tissues, particularly blood vessels, from oxidizing agents circulating in the blood. Bilberries actually contain the highest antioxidant level of any berry. Antioxidants allow these harmful oxidizing agents to bind to them instead of to body cells, preventing the agents from causing permanent damage to the lining of blood vessels.

Several studies have shown that bilberry extracts stimulate blood vessels to release a substance that helps dilate arteries and veins. This action will help with tingling sensations in the hands and feet. Bilberries help keep platelets from clumping together, which, in turn, thins the blood, prevents clotting, and improves circulation.

Bilberry preparations seem particularly useful in treating eye conditions. They also are used to treat cataracts, night blindness, and macular degeneration.

Bilberry Preparations and Dosage
By adding bilberries, blueberries, and huckleberries to your diet, you have done a great thing for your body. Bilberry is taken as raw fruit, teas, tinctures, syrups and extracts. Follow package directions.

Bilberry Precautions and Warnings
Bilberry leaves should not be taken internally.
Use of the berries is appropriate because they do not interfere with diabetes medications, and they can help prevent some complications of diabetes.
Check with your doctor before taking Bilberry if you are taking blood thinning medications.

Possible Side Effects of Bilberry
There are no side effects to the fruit of Bilberry.
The leaves contain chemicals that irritate the liver and should not be taken.

All Natural Baby Products

In celebration of our first granddaughter Autumn's First Birthday, we have developed a line of pure, natural and organic products for baby.

We wanted to provide a line of safe natural products that were free from chemicals. No worry about toxins here.

Autumn's Baby and Children Product line was specifically formulated for the little ones in your life. The products have no chemicals added, and we use only organic herbs,organic oils, organic butters and pure 100% organic essential oils.

You know your baby or grand baby deserves the best all natural ingredients available, and we know it too.

With our products, you don't have to worry if your baby will be allergic to the fragrance or perfumes in them. We don't use them. We use only 100 % pure organic essential oils to add fragrance. We use no fillers either.

Raising kids is hard enough. Now you have one less thing to worry about.

Thinking of Spring...Red Clover

While writing an article on back yard herbs, my mind turned to spring. Green grass between my toes, and the warmth of the earth traveling up through my body. Ahh, it is a nice feeling.
It is summer in mind, yet in truth it is still winter. We will have winter until at least April.
That does not deter me from thinking about all the herbs in the back yard, that I will be picking again this year.
Red Clover is a wonderful herb. We allow patches to grow all over our yard. When we mow, it is like mowing around a obstacle course. I am sure our neighbors think we are crazy, but we don't mind.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Some common Names: Red Clover, Purple Clover, Trefoil, Wild Clover, Trébol Morado (Spanish)

A a member of the bean family, red clover has a long history of being a nutritious cattle fodder, as well as a medicine.
Gerard knew it as meadow trefoil or “three-leaved grasse”. Its familiar three-lobed leaves were associated by medieval Christians with the trinity.
During the 1930s, it was a popular anticancer remedy. Red Clover contains phytoestrogens, and it should not be used on any estrogenic cancers.
The crescent markings across the clover leaflets were once viewed as a sign that the plant would help cataracts since, in accordance with the Doctrine of Signatures, a plant’s appearance indicates the ailments it treats.
From the hills of Tennessee, a cancer cure: "Place two or three teaspoons of red clover blossoms in a cup of boiling water, steep mixture until a tea is formed. Drink one cup a day". In the 1917 herb book, Health From Field and Forest, it listed red clover as one of the best blood purifiers, especially in the case of cancer.
The Chinese revere red clover (Hsun Tsao) as a tonic, using the sap to treat colds and influenza. At one time in Chinese history, the dried plant was burned at altars as an incense.

Medicinal Parts
Flower heads of Red Clover contain volatile oils that are thought to have mild anti-inflammatory properties useful in treating eczema and other skin inflammations.
It also contains compounds that help calm coughs and reduce airway congestion.
Some contend that red clover is more effective than soy because it contains two extra isoflavones that soy does not have.
Chinese researchers have proven that the herb kills certain viral and fungal infections, has an estrogenlike function, and is an antispasmodic and expectorant.

Apply freshly crushed red clover flowers are applied to insect bites and stings. A tincture can be used internally for eczema and psoriasis. Use a poultice or compress for arthritic pains. Oils, or Ointments are used on lymphatic swellings. An eyewash from diluted and well strained infusion can be used to treat conjunctivitis. Use Red Clover syrup for stubborn, dry coughs.
Its estrogenic effects may be of value in treating menopausal complaints. You can use Red Clover Oil, or drink as a tea.

Red Clover should not be taken with Coumadin or other blood-thinning medication. Red clover contains coumarins, substances that reduce blood clotting.

When gathering the herb in the wild, it is advisable to check the blossoms carefully to make sure they are not moldy, or diseased. Be sure to pick where no pesticides have been used.


Most people think of a dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and all they see is a weed that they can’t get rid of.

Herbalists think much differently. They consider it a valuable herb with both culinary and medicinal uses. Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. The young leaves can be added to salads or a sandwich, much like lettuce. It can also be used as a tea. The roots make a wonderful “earthy” coffee substitute. You can drink it alone, or add it to your favorite coffee. The flower heads can be eaten or made into dandelion wine.

We make fried dandelion flowers that you would swear were fried mushrooms. Yummy!

Dandelion flowers are sensitive to light, so they open with the sun in the morning and close in the evening. The best time to pick them is after the morning dew has passed. Be sure to wash in cool water. Pick the leaves while they are young. Older, they get a bit tough. The roots are picked and dried after the 2nd year of growth. You can dry them in a low oven, or in a dehydrator. Make sure to pick where you know that insecticide sprays have not been used!

Traditional herbal medicine uses dandelion roots and leaves to treat liver problems. It is mainly used for an appetite stimulant, digestive aid, and for liver and gallbladder function. Dandelion leaves are used as a diuretic to stimulate the excretion of urine.

Dandelion roots act as an antiviral agent, appetite stimulant, digestive aid, and may help promote gastrointestinal health. Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties. Herbalists and other alternative health care providers clinically use dandelion root to promote liver detoxification.

Dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic that increases urine production by promoting the excretion of salts and water from the kidney. Dandelion may be used for a wide range of conditions requiring mild diuretic treatment, such as poor digestion, liver disorders, and high blood pressure. Dandelion contains potassium, am important nutrient for our bodies, that is often lost when taking chemical diuretics.

Fresh or dried dandelion herb is also used as a mild appetite stimulant and to improve upset stomach. The root of the dandelion plant is believed to have mild laxative effects and is often used to improve digestion. Studies show that dandelion root may improve the health and function of natural bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract may help improve liver and gallbladder function.

So, when spring comes, and you see those dandelions in your yard, go pick them and eat them. You’ll be doing your liver a favor.

You can also buy the dried herb, but that isn't as much fun as being outside in a beautiful field of dandelions.

The Evolution of Herbs

2000 BC Here, eat this root

1000 AD That root is heathen. Here say this prayer.

1850 AD That prayer is superstition. Here drink this potion.

1940 AD That potion is snake oil. Here swallow this pill.

1985 AD That pill is ineffective. Here take this antibiotic.

2010 AD That antibiotic doesn’t work. Here eat this root.

Author Unknown

Healing Anxiety Naturally

YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Each year 65 millions of Americans suffer from symptoms of anxiety. 35 million have mild to moderate anxiety. Three out of four people with anxiety disorders are not correctly diagnosed. Less than 25% receive adequate help. That means 8 million people suffer unnecessarily from a treatable condition.

Make sure your health care provider has ruled out any other possibility for your anxiety. Countless people get treatment for anxiety, but it actually can be an underlying medical condition. Such conditions would include endocrine disorders-thyroid (hyper and hypo thyroidism), adrenal dysfunction, Cushing’s disease, and depression/ bipolar. A number of people seek treatment only in their ‘down time’, and several people who have depression have anxiety as well. Medicines that you presently are taking can cause symptoms of anxiety. People with heart troubles have been misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders. A big one for women is menopause. Many women who are actually starting to go through menopause (perimenopause) are actually misdiagnosed as having anxiety.

Those who suffer from anxiety turn to prescription medications to alleviate their condition. The problem is that no little pill will make your anxiety disappear. It will only cover up the symptoms, and the true problem will not go away.

There are several different types of anxiety. If you are just anxious about a test, or an argument with your spouse, it will pass and medication is not needed. General Anxiety Disorder or GAD is characterized by chronic worry. You worry all the time, even if the situation does not warrant it. It could be a learned behavior or it could also be a deep-rooted problem that you aren’t even aware exists. Medication alone will not help. You must learn to change the way you think, and should seek out a counselor or qualified professional to help you.
No matter what type of anxiety you have prescription medication is not the only route you have to take.
There are herbs you can take if you would rather not take a prescription medication. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is used due to its restorative properties. It encourages rest and relaxation. It is good for the debility that accompanies long-term stress on the body. It would most likely be used in combination with other herbs.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a relaxing tonic for anxiety. It quiets a racing heart and reduces feelings of panic and nervousness. It is used as a relaxant. It can also be used for digestive disorders due to anxiety.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a good remedy for anxiety, irritability and tension. It has a gentle sedative action producing a relaxing effect and reducing nervous activity and panic. Passionflower is used as a tranquilizer and is not addictive. It calms an overactive mind and is good for insomnia and disturbed sleep.
Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is used as a tonic and restorative for the nervous system. It has a “life enhancing and stimulating effect on body and the mind. It is usually used when anxiety and depression are present together.
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) is often used as a nerve tonic because it supports and nourishes the nervous system. It calms and relieves anxiety and is used for when stress and anxiety cause muscular tension. It is often used for people who suffer from panic attacks. Skullcap is most often combined with other herbs. Last but not least is
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis). Valerian is natures Valium, but does not have the sedative effect on the mind that often occurs with Valium. It has a calming rather than sedative effect. It reduces mental over activity and is a good choice for people who find it hard to “turn off the mind switch”. It can relieve symptoms of anxiety including tremors, panic, palpitations, and sweating. It is also good for over contracted muscles that are caused by stress like in the shoulder and neck area.
Other natural ways to combat anxiety would be to use Bach Flower Remedies. Bach Flower Remedies adjusts personal characteristic traits that are causing emotional states, blockages, pain etc. Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr. Bach is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. To select the remedies you need, think about the sort of person you are and the way you are feeling right now. Then take the remedies you need. You may take up to 7 at a time. Less is better.
Aromatherapy can help alleviate anxiety and stress using scents from plants and herbs. Aromatherapy can alter moods and feelings within minutes of smelling a certain scent. Rose and lavender are the ones most used for anxiety, but others could include ylang ylang, sandalwood, citrus, peppermint.

This article is not meant to diagnose or treat any ailment. The information provided is not meant for a substitute for medical care. It is meant for information purposes only.

How Does My Garden Grow

Being that we are getting close to spring, and it will be time for planting, we have decided to start a series called "How Does My Garden Grow". It will give just little snippets of a few herbs to help get you started on your herbal garden.
The first is Chamomile. Chamomile is widely know throughout the world, and is highly recognizable. It has been used for centuries for healing many symptoms herbally. It smells wonderful, and is fairly easy to grow.

Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita)

Family: Compositae.
History: This Chamomile has been used for healing and cosmetic purposes for many years.
Growing pattern: Perennial.
How to grow: Sow the seeds or increase by root division in the spring. Keep the seeds well watered until the seedlings develop and when large enough thin them to 15cm apart.
Soil condition/position: The flowers are ready for picking eight weeks after sowing. Pick and dry them quickly when the petals begin to turn back. Chamomile likes a sunny position and can be grown in a container. If the flowers are left it will re-seed itself year after year.
Appearance: Chamomile grows to 60cm and has small daisy-like flowers and a lovely scent.
Uses: Chamomile tea, always been regarded as a restorative. A healing substance called Azulen is extracted from the fresh flowers. An infusion made from the flowers has long been used a rinse to enhance fair hair and can also be used as a mouthwash, eyebath and face-wash. Chamomile has also been used as an inhalant for colds. The dried flowers can also be used in potpourri.

Natural Products Are NOT Created Equal

We here at Cloverleaf Farm are proud to formulate genuinely pure, 100 % all natural and organic products.

There are however, other companies out there that are claiming to be all natural, and aren't.
I have bumped into many sites that use fragrance oils, which always get's my goat. Fragrance oils are not natural. They are chemically produced in a lab. There is no such thing as strawberry or lilac essential oil. If you find those in a natural product, then the product isn't truly natural.

I happen to come across a site today, that was suppose to be selling a 100 % all natural acne cream. I was reading down through the list of ingredients, and at the bottom they had Vaseline. I was horrified! They actually use Vaseline as the base for their acne cream. Does this company actually believe that because crude oil comes from the Earth, that Vaseline is all natural? Vaseline is petroleum. Petroleum does not occur in nature! It is manufactured from crude oil! Do you really want to put that on your skin? Petroleum is not healthy for your skin.

It also erks me when people put the ingredients in their botanical, Latin name. I happen to know them, but the average Joe does not. To me, why make it look like the ingredients are something more mysterious than they really are. Example; the herbs apis cera, calendula officinalis, passiflora incarnarta, rosa damascena. Those are the Latin names for beeswax, calendula, passion flower, and rose. Why not just use the common names along with the Latin names, so people understand what they are putting on their skin.

When you buy from Cloverleaf Farm, you can be assured that all our products are 100% natural and organic.

We don't hide behind Latin,botanical names; we publish all ingredients in English.

We use only 100% pure organic essential oils to scent our fragrance oils ever.

We are proud to be pure.

The Essential Herbal...Chamomile

There are the essential herbal items that should be in every natural first aid kid. With just a few of these essential herbs you can hea just about any illness naturally. In this article we will discuss Chamomile.

Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita)

While most people think of Chamomile as a relaxing tea, Chamomile has been used for digestive issues since the 1st Century. It is gentle, and effective and a great herb for kids.

Chamomile grows all around the world. It is sown by seed in spring. The flower heads will be ready to be picked in summer.

Chamomile is a herbal relaxant. It can help calm frazzled nerves. Chamomile also works as an antispasmodic. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea when you have an upset stomach, can calm and soothe in a short time. It makes a wonderful tea for a child with an upset belly.

Chamomile, is also very useful on the outside of our bodies. An infusion of chamomile can be applied to the skin to help heal dry itchy skin. You can also add an infusion to your bath. Using an infusion of Chamomile to make a herbal skin cream would be of great benefit to your skin. It would get the benefits of both the Chamomile, and the oils and butters used to make the cream.

Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties which is beneficial both internally as a tea for stomach and digestive complaints, but also topically as an oil, ointment or cream.

The fresh plant of Chamomile can cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals. You should not use Chamomile if you are allergic to the daisy family of plants.