Aromatherapy Support to Quit Smoking

Is your New Year's Resolution to quit smoking? Then hopefully we can help you through this difficult time.

Going cold turkey is tough, but best on your body. If you choose to use the patch or nicotine gum replacement you can actually stop smoking, but become addicted to the gum. I saw a women once who had quit smoking for quite some time, but she still needed that nicotine in the form of a lozenge.

There is no easy way to stop. Nicotine is more addictive than cocaine. It plays on receptors in your brain to make you want more...and more.

We can't help you stop, but we can help you relax during those sudden nicotine attacks.
Aromatherapy can help. Using Aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety has been used for hundreds of years successfully.

While quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your health, it is also the hardest. Hopefully the following aromatherapy formula will help you to relax when those cravings hit. .

5 drops Rosemary (Rosemarinus officianalis)
5 drops Lemon (Citrus limonum)
3 drops Peppermint (Mentha piperta)
3 drops Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)
1 drop Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)

Mix essential oils together, and diffuse in an oil burner.

The mixture is energizing and relaxing.

Good Luck, and don't stop trying to quit.It is hard, but not impossible.

Healing Naturally...Using Aromatherapy for Stress

Aromatherapy for Stress

Essential oils are very effective in the treatment of stress and in the encouragement of relaxation.

  • Essential oils of orange blossom, rose, chamomile and lavender have a noticeable calming effect.
  • Scents of lavender, sandalwood and nutmeg help you shrug off the ill-effects of stress.
  • Patchouli essential oil helps eliminate anxiety and lifts the mood (it is also said to be an aphrodisiac.).
  • Clary sage essential oil acts as a sedative.
  • Ylang-ylang essential oil acts as a sedative and mood regulator. Use it in moderation. It can cause headaches in some people.
  • Lavender is probably the most useful of them all for relaxation. It is a sedative and a tonic. It helps you to relax, at the same time, it also eases aches and pains, such as headache. Sprinkle four drops on a tissue and inhale deeply for sudden stress. Our ancestors carried with them handkerchiefs perfumed with lavender water or rose water. After inhaling the scent of lavender, you will feel more relaxed in 10 minutes. I carry lavender everywhere I go.

The most effective methods for using essential oils to help calm the mind and relax the body include massage, baths, and vaporization. You can use them singly or in combination.

The Characteristics of Essential Oils Useful for Anxiety and Stress Management

Calm Oils
Clary Sage
Ylang Ylang

Uplifting Oils
Lemon Balm (Melissa)

Oils To Avoid In Pregnancy
Clary Sage
Lemon Balm (Melissa)

Useful Essential Oil Blends

Essential oil combinations are useful for purposes of relaxation and producing a sense of calm. You can experiment with different combinations to determine the effects they produce on you. Try not to mix more than three oils unless it is specifically recommended

Healing Naturally...Using Herbs Wisely

The term herb we use on this site refers to plants used for medicinal purposes.

While using herbs to help treat illness may seem to some like a modern phenomenon, it has been around for over 5000 years. The medicinal benefits of herbs have been used for centuries by many different cultures. Man has always been dependent on herbs. What was a healing herb a hundred years ago is still a healing herb today. Many of the benefits of herbs are not so much based on scientific study but rather on the observations made by herbal healers through the centuries.

Herbs may be natural, but they are still potent medicine, and should be treated with care and respect. Herbs should be treated like other medicines in that it is important to follow the recommended dosages. Most herbs are typically milder than synthetic drugs and have fewer side effects, they are neither completely safe nor poisonous. Some are even dangerous if taken improperly or for extended periods of time. Most problems stem from overuse and misuse. Herbs, when properly used, are safe, gentle and effective.

Traditional doctors and pharmacists may have little training in herbal medicine, if that is the case ask your practitioner for a reference to an alternative practitioner. Practitioners with knowledge of herbs include herbalists, homeopaths, naturopaths, and doctors of Oriental medicine.

Herbs include leaves, bark, berries, roots, gums, seeds, stems and flowers. They can also be found in the form of tablets, capsules, liquid beverages, bark pieces, powders, tinctures, extracts, creams, lotions, salves, and oils.

Before using any herb, it is important that you follow these important guidelines:

  1. NEVER self-diagnose. Be sure you have received a diagnosis from a doctor before seeking alternative care. Proper medical care is critical to good health.
  2. Work with your doctor. If you are currently on medication, you must work with your doctor before discontinuing any drug or starting any herbal treatment. Make sure your doctor knows about any herbal supplements you are taking. There could be possible interactions with other treatments you are receiving.
  3. If you're pregnant (or trying to get pregnant) or breast-feeding, avoid herbal remedies. Substances in these remedies may pass to your baby.
  4. Do not be fooled by the word "natural". Natural does not always mean safe. Herbs are natural substances, but that does not mean that they can be used indiscriminately. They are natures medicine, and should be treated that way. Many perfectly natural plants are highly toxic and poisonous. Before trying any herbal remedy, be sure that you know what it does, how to use it, and the possible side effects. Never exceed the recommended dose.
  5. Keep in mind. Many herbs are effective on their own, but some work even better if they are part of a comprehensive treatment plan focusing on diet and lifestyle changes as well

Healing Naturally....No More Winter Itch Skin

Winter in the north doesn't have to mean rough, dry itchy skin. Say good-bye to the winter itch with a few simple herbal tips.
One of the great herbs for skin is Calendula. Calendula petals steeped in a carrier oil makes a wonderful oil to help heal that dry itchy skin. You can use almost any carrier oil, but our favorite is a combination of organic apricot and almond oil. Almond oil is light and helpful to all skin types. Especially good for eczema, helps relieve itching, soreness, dryness and inflammation. Almond oil is very lubricating, but not penetrating, making it a good skin protectant.
Apricot oil contains minerals and vitamins, especially Vitamin A. Apricot oil is wonderful for all skin types. It is very rich and nourishing and can be helpful for prematurely aged, sensitive, inflamed, delicate or dry skin.
Steep the petals in the oils of choice for 6 weeks. Add cocoa butter, shea butter or other ingredients to help soften skin. By adding the butters, this will make a Calendula ointment.
Other herbs that can be used or mixed into an oil are elderflower, comfrey, marshmallow root as well as rose.
Adding essential oils will prolong the life of the oil or ointment.

Healing Naturally...Lowering Cholesterol With Herbs

One of the medical buzz word these days is cholesterol. Your doctor tells you you need to lower your numbers. Well just what does it all mean. Just what is cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a fat like substance that circulates in the blood stream. It is produced by the body for building cell membranes and sex hormones. Cholesterol aids in our digestion process.
Eighty percent of cholesterol is manufactured by the body for necessary functions. Only twenty percent comes from the diet. So even a vegetarian can have high cholesterol.
Cholesterol travels throughout your bloodstream in lipoproteins. LDL or Low Density Lipoproteins delivers cholesterol to your body. HDL or high density lipoproteins are the "good" guys because they sweep the bloodstream clean of any excess cholesterol. Too much LDL is bad for your body, and having the HDL is good.
So, what is a good cholesterol number for you.
Total cholesterol should be less than 200 for best heart health. Between 200-239 is borderline high and 240 and over means you are at greater risk of heart attack and stroke.
Your LDL or Low-density lipoprotein levels should be less than 130. Form 130 to 159 is borderline high. At 160 or more your chance of heart disease rises.
Your HDL or high-density lipoprotein should be 60 or higher to reduce the chance for heart disease and stroke. Less than 60 improves your chances for heart disease.

Now that all the medical terminology is out of the way let us discuss herbal remedies to help lower that cholesterol. There are many ways to add herbs to your diet. You can drink them in a tea, or use them in your cooking. You can take them in capsule form. Anyway you take them, you will benefit from the medicinal properties of the herb.

I personally lowered my cholesterol over 25% by using just herbs, and diet.

*Turmeric (Curcuma longa)- Great spice from India that improves the action of the liver. It can help ease stomach pains. It has powerful antioxidant properties. Use in soups, add to chicken or fish. You can also take turmeric in capsules.

*Garlic (Allium sativum)- Originally from Asia, garlic is now grown worldwide. Garlic lowers blood pressure and is loaded with vitamins and minerals.Use in cooking everyday. Fresh is best or in powdered form. Be sure to use garlic powder and not garlic salt. You could also take garlic capsules.

*Olive Leaf (Olea eruopaea) - Olive leaf of course comes from the same tree we get olives for olive oil. It grows wild in the Mediterranean regions. Olive leaf can be used as a tea. Steep for 20 minutes and drink. Olive oil can also help in lowering cholesterol if used in cooking.

*Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) - One of my personal favorite teas. It is a shrub native to South Africa, and has lots of vitamins and minerals. It makes a delicious tea that has been traditionally used to sooth digestion, stomach cramps and colic. Besides helping to lower cholesterol, Rooibos helps to control your appetite, thus can be beneficial in a weight loss program.

Some other herbs that can be beneficial in helping to lower your cholesterol are Fenugreek, Green Tea, Red Yeast Rice, as well as Vitamin C, Carnitine, and grape seed extract.

This is not meant to treat or to cure any illness. Please consult with your health care provider for what will work best for you.

A New Year... A Healthier You

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Now that the holidays are almost behind us, people will be making their New Year's Resolutions. Well, if one of your resolutions is to get healthy naturally, then you have found the right place. Over the next year we will let you in on all the secrets of traditional herbal medicine. You can use herbs to treat anything from acne to whooping cough. You just have to have to choose the right herbs.

Each month we will feature one herb for you to get to know. You will learn how it grows, how to harvest and use it for herbal healing. In between we will through in some extra tidbits on herbal medicine and herbal healing.

The first herb that we will highlight is Calendula (Calendula officinalis). Calendula is an easy to grow annual, that blossoms from June until November even blooming after the first light frost. Plant after the last spring frost. It has a beautiful daisy like flower with yellow to orange petals. It is a must have herb for all different kind of ailments and even helps rid the garden of certain unwanted pests. The petals are edible, and make a wonderful addition to a fresh summer salad. Infuse the petals in oil, and make a wonderful treatment for rashes, dry itching skin, and even babies cradle read more go to Cloverleaf Farm Herb Information.

For information about herbs and treatable conditions with herbs visit our herbal information page. We have packed that site chock full of all sorts of herbal information that we hope you will find very helpful in your daily lives.

And as always you can buy our organic herbal products at Cloverleaf Farm.

A Bit of History of Cloverleaf Farm

For over 210 years our quaint little shop has graced the neighborhood known locally as “Taylor City”.

Taylor City comprises two states, (Maine and New Hampshire), 2 counties, (York county on the Maine side, and Carroll in New Hampshire), and of course two towns, (Effingham, NH on one side of the road, and Parsonsfield, ME on the other.

Cloverleaf Farm has a rich history that dates back to the late 18th century.

It all started in the summer of 1790 when Benjamin Taylor bought the land for 5 chillings. In those days the farm was well over 70 acres. Benjamin bought many parcels of land that summer and today most remain in the Taylor family.

In the summer of 1790, Benjamin Taylor bought our land for 5 chillings. Our shop, which was built around 1790, is a cape style and was probably built as the main house. At some point in the next few years a 35 x 70 hay barn was built. We are still researching exact dates and history between 1790 and 1822.

The main house was built in the Colonial style in 1822, or so we have been told. We think that the house built much earlier considering the original building was built around 1790. An addition that attached the 1790 building to the 1822 building (it is now the kitchen) was put on before 1914. We still haven't been able to pin point a date, but we have pictures around WWI, and the outside kitchen door does exist. We think it might have either been a summer kitchen, or a shed because of the way it was built.

Cloverleaf Farm, in the early years, was a hay farm. The barn had cows, and was filled to the rafters (the barn has 3 floors) with hay. Some of the old hay still hangs down between the cracks.

Over the years the farm changed to serve the needs of the community. During WWI it served as a tack and leather shop. We have been told at one point it was a basket shop, but no one seems to know the time frame.

Supposedly, during prohibition, what is now our quaint little herb and farm stand shop was actually a rum shop.

Throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s our barn served as a local summer theater. One of neighbors still remembers acting in some of the plays and has told us several stories of those days. Her stories are always a pleasure to hear.

During the 1950’s it became an upholstery shop. When the gentlemen retired from railroad work, he opened a furniture and upholstery shop, and continued in his fathers line of work. The tacks are still in the floor to prove it.

At one point local bean suppers were served for the neighbors. That would explain the old 3-seater outhouse that still graces the back room of our shop.

Cloverleaf Farm has had many generations walk through the house and fields. It has a long and rich history, and we are proud to be a part of it.

Welcome to Cloverleaf Farm

Welcome to our little piece of heaven.
Cloverleaf Farm is located in beautiful New Hampshire, where the living is easy, and the folks are friends.
We bought the farm just over a year ago. As soon as we stepped in, we knew we were hooked.
It was the perfect place to live out our dream of having a small farm. With the attached building we could open up my herbal shop again and have our farm stand. It worked out perfectly.
We hope you come to share in our passion for herbs and organic farming as much as we do.
Please visit our online store for all our herbal products Cloverleaf Farm.
We hope you enjoy your visit here with us. Sit down, brew some tea and enjoy. In this blog we will give you tips on organic herbal healing, herbal information, and natural healing.
We will show you what life is like here at Cloverleaf Farm.