A New Year... A Healthier You

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Now that the holidays are almost behind us, people will be making their New Year's Resolutions. Well, if one of your resolutions is to get healthy naturally, then you have found the right place. Over the next year we will let you in on all the secrets of traditional herbal medicine. You can use herbs to treat anything from acne to whooping cough. You just have to have to choose the right herbs.

Each month we will feature one herb for you to get to know. You will learn how it grows, how to harvest and use it for herbal healing. In between we will through in some extra tidbits on herbal medicine and herbal healing.

The first herb that we will highlight is Calendula (Calendula officinalis). Calendula is an easy to grow annual, that blossoms from June until November even blooming after the first light frost. Plant after the last spring frost. It has a beautiful daisy like flower with yellow to orange petals. It is a must have herb for all different kind of ailments and even helps rid the garden of certain unwanted pests. The petals are edible, and make a wonderful addition to a fresh summer salad. Infuse the petals in oil, and make a wonderful treatment for rashes, dry itching skin, and even babies cradle cap...to read more go to Cloverleaf Farm Herb Information.

For information about herbs and treatable conditions with herbs visit our herbal information page. We have packed that site chock full of all sorts of herbal information that we hope you will find very helpful in your daily lives.

And as always you can buy our organic herbal products at Cloverleaf Farm.

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